2022 is the year of the Peace Turtle
Pledges raised will be directed to support turtle tunnel installation in communities across Ontario’s Highlands

This year, you can walk anywhere in your community or where turtles are on roads to raise awareness.
Take pictures. Collect pledges. Send both to us at Turtle Guardians so we can show the world you care!
Choose any date and time between May 7 and June 14th- the peak nesting season for freshwater turtles in Eastern North America and when they are
most vulnerable to road traffic and predation. Create awareness-signs. Where turtley cool costumes. Choose your walking buddies. Choose any safe location to walk.
Walk on your front lawn!
Walk downtown!
Walk down the road!
Walk in the park!
Walk at the beach!
Walk at the dock!
Register as a turtle walk team (or individual) and receive your turtle walk 2022 stickers and certificates.
- Pledges in 2022 will be directed to support the T-5 Campaign (Turtles, Teaching, Tracking, Tunnels and Trauma care) with a goal is to raise $50,000 each year to support the recovery of turtle populations in Ontario and around the world- from prevention to cure. This year, our goal is to raise monies to install turtle tunnels in the Highlands.
- Contact: info@thelandbetween.ca / turtlewalk@thelandbetween.ca
- Call: 705-457-1222 (The Land Between head office and Turtle Guardian Headquarters) or 705-85-HELP-T (705-854-3578)
- The Turtle Walks are part of the Turtle Guardian Program – a project of The Land Between Charity #805849916RR0001 and partners